Nasrat Shirzai
Power & Electrical Solutions


We support governmental agencies, embassies, relief organizations and business firms in achieving their mission by providing a complete supply chain solution through our strategic partnerships, global locations, and exclusive manufacturers’ agreements.

Power Transmission & Distribution Systems

We provide medium voltage and low voltage overhead lines including transmission and distribution system and medium and low voltage underground lines of distribution system.

Wiring & Lighting Services

We provide internal wiring for buildings and industrial factories, lighting for street and parking, and wiring & lighting for buildings.

Fire Alarms & Detection Systems

We provide the following services: Supply and Installation of all components of fire alarms and detection systems, Installation and Wiring, Maintenance of the system, and Lighting for Street and Parking

Solar System Installation & Maintenance

This important transition to solar power requires experienced professionals who are with you from start to finish during your solar panel installation. Nasrat Shirzai ICT Services Company recently has done many solar system projects in different cities of Afghanistan for telecom operators. Save time with expert designers and installers.